Sunday, September 25, 2011

In the life of a Ashford's Sunday, and about the boys

For this is the day that the lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it.  Like any other Sunday morning, my kids and I got up and went to church.  My kids will usually try to stay home with their dad, but I only allow them to do that once a month.  Their father would usually join us in church 4 to 5 times a year.  One day soon the lord will bring him in.  We try not miss a Sunday going to church, because god is so good to us the least we could do is praise him.  After church the whole family would go to eat dinner at my moms house.  This is something I really enjoy, because it keeps our family close.  We have such a close family that I usually speak with my mom, and sisters daily. 

My boys are a mess progress reports came, and my oldest son came home with a letter stating "I have good news and bad news.  The good news is I have a girlfriend, the bad news is I mad some 50's and 60's.  When I actually recieved the progress report he had 1 D,and 2 C's which I don't alow him to bring home.  For some reason my son always start the first few weeks off bad.  He usually makes A's,B's, and a C in math.  My middle son had all A's and B's.  My baby boy has finally adjusted to pre-k.  He no longer cries, and tries to get me to take him back with me.  He is beginning to enjoy school, I believe his favorite part of it is math.  He has a great teacher; and she made it so easy for him to adjust, because I tried putting him in school last year and he cried the whole three months he was there.  My kids are my life and I really treasure the time I get to spend with them.     

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

About the kids

                                                              THE THREE J'S
 Jaylin is my first born, he is nine years old.  His interests are baseball, football, basketball, and playing the drums.  As you can see Jaylin is a very outgoing little boy. Jaylin is my slickster, he would get the other two in trouble and act like he have not done anything.  This weekend Jaylin is on punishment for not finishing his homework.  He has been cleaning and doing homework all day today and it's Saturday. 

Jayvin is my middle child, he is six years old.  Jayvin enjoys football,baseball,and playing the WII.  Jayvin is very outgoing, he is my sweet child that loves to kiss and hug.  Jayvin is built up like a football player; he is very strong and heavy.  Jayvin asked me to day can he go on a date with his friend at school.

Jaydin is my baby, he is four years old.  He is my spoiled child; everyone asked me who spoiled him, and looking back at old pictures I can see that my older boys spoiled him.  As a baby Jaydin use to carry around a blue blanket and hold it up to his nose all day; he slept with it, and carried it every where he went.  Jaydin started school this year for the first time, he was not happy.  He tells me every night "mommy your heart is inside my heart."
Jaydin with his blanket

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Beginning

In the life of the Ashford's.  Tony and I meet in middle school.  Everyone knows how dating is in middle school; you date someone for a couple of days then you break up with them.  That is how our relationship was, but we kept in touch.  One day years after middle school, I was going into work I heard someone call me from a distance; so of course I ran  into the building and went to the back; anyway to make a long story short it was him.  We started talking, and about four years later we were married. 

After we married the next year we had a son, whom we named Jaylin.  It was hard for both of us to balance work and taking care of Jaylin, because we had no sitter.  I was not comfortable with putting him in a child care center.  That is when we decided it would be best if I stayed at home with him.  My kids are 3 1/2 and 14mths. apart, so my life has been interesting every since then.  I really enjoy my life; my husband and I went through a few rocky roads; I believe it's because we married so young, but know I can honestly say he's my best friend, and my lover. We have a great relationship, sometimes I wonder when we first married did we really know what love was.  Love is a wonderful thing if you're with the right person.